With these one-on-one sessions you will be cleared of unbalanced or discordant energies that don’t belong to you. Relieving the weight of these energetic burdens allows you to rise to your highest vibrational self. In this state, energy flows smoothly, releasing blockages, allowing the physical and energetic bodies to return to balance.
Why would you want a personal healing and clearing?
- You are a healer that works with people in physical, mental, or spiritual pain.
- You are highly sensitive and feel drained by the energy of others or easily pick up their unbalanced energy.
- You are experiencing profound grief, depression, anger, exhaustion, or frequent mood swings.
- Your health has taken a rapid decline or you never seem to have the energy you need to make it through your day.
There are multitudes of ways that others energy can effect us, but first we have to get clear so we can see what is ours and what is not.
You will leave with tools and techniques to take home, specific to what we find, so that you can shift the energy and empower yourself to stay clear, balanced, and vibrant.
These sessions may be done in person or remotely.
First visit $175 (90 min), follow-ups are $125 for 60 min or $150 for 90 min.
Call 503-853-6740 or email dewey@deweymeyer.com to book appointment
“Dewey Meyer is a true channel for powerful healing-physical, mental, and spiritual. I was hit by a car, had a concussion, a messed up spleen, and was hospitalized. To use a scientific phrase, I was one hot mess. When I got home I called Dewey. She came over and helped me get energetically centered back in my body, and gave me some good guidance for my physical and mental health and healing. People still marvel at the speed with which I recovered from that accident. In fact, I am stronger and healthier than before. I know Dewey’s work was a vital and important part of that.”